Wednesday, March 4


Why ladybug? First,bcoz we are all ladies. secondly, ladybug is one of the most cutest prettiest bug in the world! dont u guys were like "AAAa" and "OwWHH when u bumped into it? its striking and contra colour is definitely an eye-catcher! and yes, it is a harmless little creature. it can bite but the bite wont hurt. BUT remember, it can leave a horrible stinking terrible nose wrinkling smell that will haunt you. so, beware! ahaks.

this message is brought to u by LadyBug


  1. aku rase logo atas tuh macam dah nice... korang nak biar blog nih public eh? tambah la shout kat sbelah nih pun best..heu...ti aku send gambar~ pastuh2 author die sorang jek ke atau kite 6 bole taruk post? chaiyok2 kawan2ku!!!~~~

  2. hehe.mkaseh~amatur nye xleh la nk expect power2.hoho.public cyg.shout2 cmne?ak newbie blog2 nh.haha.of cos la nam2 leh post.kang ak bg paswed and emel kt korg ek.MUAX

  3. yoh ppl...
    aku tepikir nk post sumthng, tp tgn sblh aku ngah pgg eskrim,jd x pat nk taip bebanyak.ape2pon, cuuuun weh kumbang mera hitam tu.. tp tp, yg kat tepi tu, nape aku 'jojo the up for anything babe'?? pe kate tkr ke.... 'jojo, quiet babe'.. hahahaha (aku rs malu lak tulis bgni sbb mst the talkative (wana) tu x stuju..

  4. hahaha.ko dan quiet adalah tidak same skli.dont abuse the word quiet by comparing it to u yer 'one eyeliner'


dey,apa mk komen2 tok?