Thursday, August 13

caution: post ini tiada hala tuju hidup

hm hm.. sbnrnya aku xtau la nak post ape..... tetibe je jari aku rasa nak menaip laju2. so, aku rs, aku nak confess.... (eh bkn psl diri aku)

sebenarnya kan.....

dan sebenarnya (lagu Yuna pulak)
aku sgt lah x sedia nak grad dari utp (bajet aku convo minggu ni je). aku sgtlah x sedia dr segi mental, fizikal, rohani nak berambus dari utp. okay, mmg la aku da malas stadi (nampak sgt). tp aku lagi malas nak pikir pasal keje. pasal bos yang garang. pasal kakak cleaner opis yg suke gosip2 (eh sndri suka begosip, karma karma) and pasal xreti wat keje, pastu drg kutuk2 :

'nama je graduan UTP. wat keje cam sampah'

scary.takut. semalas-malas aku membukak buku dan mata utk dgr lecture kat pocket C, aku lagi malas nak bangun pagi, berutinkan office hour 8-5pm, pastuh keje 5 or maybe 6 days/week.

lagi satu, sbnrnya kan..... aku x rase aku leh survive hidup office lama2.. ckup la time intern aku rase mcm budak praSekolah masuk kelas tingkatan 5. huuu hidup aku x fit ngn org2 matured and bekerja keras.. aku masi mahu besuka ria dengan girang, mengadap dc++, bergtalk menjoyah, merempat bilik orang, menskodeng orang lalu bawah sambil minum Coke, bekaroke, beshoping, bergosip ramai2 sambil makan Ruski.

sbb kan.. kalo da keje opis, imagine kalo sorang2 je duk opis. gloomy. yg lain x masuk sgt (dh la aku ni pndiam n susa nak bemesra)... -___-"
pegi opis pagi, balik ptg, pastu tdr.. the same habit la for the next 10 years. mak aih.. habis la zaman muda remaje aku..

dan ade jg possibility, spt... if dpt keje tmpt sama ngn buggss yg lain, okay laa... alive la sket hidup yg suram. kalo sume keje lain2 tmpt, susah da nak jmpe.. nnt tibe2 :

'eh Wana da beranak 4?? last yer baru 2'

atau pun

'ha? anak eve satu skola ngn anak toy?'

maaf kawan2.. pinjam watak.

Jadi, agak2nya.... ape kah yg akan terjadi?

Friday, July 17


Okay girls....... I have a confession to make...........
I have..... erm.. erm 3 imaginary boyfies named zues, bueano n makoto kyougoku
and the major problem is none of them actually real (yeah, hello.. imaginary as in i in calculus)
and the final question is r u sure that i'm not mental or sicko or something?
or u guys know that im a bit of a wacko but still love me anyway?

Friday, April 24

Cookies oh cookies

A conversation between two people (lebih kurang la mcm d bawah ni…)

Latipah : wei maimunah, (bukan nama sebenar).. aku nak post something kat blog ni. Ko tolong. Kang aku emel
Munah : haa..bole2..send je la...

(beberapa minit kendian)

Latipah : dah..g post ek. Nak miting dlu.
Munah : okeh2.. aku nak g b**** dlu.

Latipah : dah ke?
Munah : dah2..g la cek..
Latipah : eh, pehal x abis…. ?
Munah : oh, ko send 2 pages ke ? aku ingt satu je.. hahaha
Latipah : (tahan2..) ish ngko ni.. aku edit sat..haish.. pehal pulak cookie2 ni?

Munah : kuih ape?

(tanpa menyedari soalan munah, Latipah meneruskan bebelannya)

Latipah : eh aku xleh login.invitation blog x valid da. Invite aku balik..
Munah : tanak...
Latipah : ishh.. aku ngah semangat membara nak ngepost ni.. cepat2~
Munah : ha.. dah2..accept cepat.
Latipah : HAHAHAHAHAHA (tetibe gelak sbb baru baca pasal kuih2 tu) ko seyes ke tny pasal cookie, ke men2 je ?
Munah : hahahahha..cookie tu ape ? aku ingt kueh cam gambar gtalk aku nih..
Latipah : hahahahaha

Oleh itu, mari kenali, siapa itu cookies:

Normal cookies are used to remember the user who is visiting the website in order to show the appropriate content. Without them, some websites would cease to function. Cookies are also used to remember the passwords and "signed on" status of users.

Since their introduction on the Internet, misconceptions about cookies have circulated on the Internet and in the media. In 1998, CIAC, a computer incident response team of the United States Department of Energy, found the security vulnerability "essentially nonexistent" and explained that "information about where you come from and what web pages you visit already exists in a web server's log files"In 2005, Jupiter Research published the results of a survey, according to which a consistent percentage of respondents believed some of the following false claims:

Cookies are like
worms and viruses in that they can erase data from the user's hard disks
Cookies generate
Cookies are used for
Cookies are only used for

Cookies are in fact only data, not program code: they cannot erase or read information from the user's computer. However, cookies allow for detecting the Web pages viewed by a user on a given site or set of sites. This information can be collected in a profile of the user. Such profiles are sometimes anonymous, that is, they sometimes do not contain personal information of the user (name, address, etc.). More precisely, they should not contain personal information unless the user has made it available to some sites. Even if anonymous, these profiles have been the subject of some privacy concerns.

According to the same survey, a large percentage of Internet users do not know how to delete cookies. One reason people do not trust the concept of cookies is because some sites have abused the personal identification aspect of cookies and have shared them. A large percentage of targeted advertising comes from information gleaned from tracking cookies.

jangan bersendirian di lif

this entry came from jojo and as she has problem to sign in, i would do the honour to publish it on her behalf.

I wrote this on the basis of a sad-story happened this morning..
Arakian tersebutlah kisah satu Jumaat yang sejuk. Jam handphone menunjukkan 0845 am. Masih awal. So, my friend and I decided to have breakfast downstairs, but I asked her to wait since I couldn’t print out my work. But then, I asked her to go on first with our other friend instead and told her to wait at the food court. Then then then, finally, after a hard work waiting for the documents to come out from the printer, I was already on my out from the office to the elevator. The door opened, and there was a man inside. I didn’t know him and I didn’t have the reason to :). He looked and smiled at me, I smiled back at him. And he said;

Mr I-don’t-know-his-name : Oh.. you kerja atas kan. Selalu Nampak you dlm lif.
Miss I-don’t-want-to-know-him : Ya. Kamu kerja d bawah ni? (This is a mistake! I shouldnt
be so friendly at first!)
Mr I-don’t-know-his-name : Iya. Lapar pagi-pagi ni.Mo pegi makan. You pg makan mana ?
Miss I-don’t-want-to-know-him : Fudkot la. Tu sja yg bukak.
Mr I-don’t-know-his-name : Oh sama la. Mari la makan sekali. Ok ?
Miss I-don’t-want-to-know-him : (Long pause.Quick thinking. Be reasonable. Do not embarrassed him. Fair judgement)
Mr I-don’t-know-his-name : Ada kawan tunggu di bawah?
Miss I-don’t-want-to-know-him : (Damn, come on! Say something nice) ada..2 orang.kalo mahu, joinla sekali (another mistake!).
Mr I-don’t-know-his-name : Ala..perempuan?
Miss I-don’t-want-to-know-him : Iya. Kawan sekerja..
Mr I-don’t-know-his-name : Oh.. hm.. bole lah.. (I didn’t expect this!)
And… I felt like, I wanted to pretend that I have urgent meeting, whatever that can save me! But, by the time I wanted to say it, I reached at the food court already. Damn. I walked in my fastest pace to my friends, informing them I have met a new so-called-friend, so I warned them that, I accidentally brought him along. They laughed.. Well, gratefully that guy wasn’t there. He was waiting for his drink. Since my friends bring their friends and the table was small, I decided to sit next to their table. ISH! I hate this situation, and I was badly hurt by my stupidity. I can hear them talking, asking who is the guy with me, which I felt like laughing. Oh, did I mention, he looked like he is in his 30-40-50 years old? HAHAHAHA! Ok… not 50. maybe, 30-35… Who knows, maybe he is 55years old, but looked younger. (ngahaha..)

And, the suffer-period came to its end. What did you expect from me, a silent, shy girl to have a conversation with someone I can regard as uncle or bro? Talked about politics? Work? Hobby? The history of Malaysia? You have no idea, how clueless I was, my mind was running at speed of 180km/h, trying to find a topic that I can further elaborate, instead listening to him talking about THE HISTORY OF HIS FAMILY LIVING IN TWO DIFFERENT COUNTRIES.

And I lost. I was listening very good, laughing at his joke like ha-ha, and, oh-ya? And other dishonest-responses. And when my friends were going back to the office, I just smiled. You know the kind of tortured smile. And they went laughing. Kejam. When I realized he couldn’t stop talking, I used the remaining strength, I said ‘ Ok, naik ofis la dulu.’ And smiled! People, don’t forget to smile, even if you are going to embarrassed him. You see, I was trying to be nice. When he asked my name, I was thinking like, what is my name? And, I said my name (minus the last four letters). HEHEHE…

He was going to buy newspaper, and I ran to the elevator. I didn’t want to be in the same confined-space with him! In the elevator, I was laughing to the thought that :

What if I told him that my name was : (see the list below)
a) Nur Hazwana
b) Noor Atilia
c) Eva Sarah
d) Farhanah
e) Lydiawati
f) Thayyibah

Or, I can fake my name, ‘my name is Timah/Kiah/Tipah’
If I have said that, I don’t want to see his face or his reaction. I will run and laugh.

Wednesday, April 15

Help Needed~~!!

I just dunno why lately i'm feeling rebellious...
I just couldn't help getting annoyed with people...
I get hurt easily...
I tend to keep quiet...
I dare to tell people if i'm not satisfied with them...meaning to say,i do stand up for myself
I can be mean at times
......and many more changes in my personality

Is it because im under depression...being far away from home
Is it because i'm getting bored with the environment and i need a break
Is it because i'm insane
Is it because i'm having PMS
or is it because I'm missing you guys badly T_T

OMG~ please please this feeling go away...i couldn't stay to be in this state any longer...


i remembered ati's first joke. we were sitting in the main hall, filling up some forms when suddenly ati said that she needed to go to the toilet. i laughed at her and she said,

"wana, taik ak da kt ujung tanduk da nh."

i laughed non stop. if you guys know who is ati, surely you can imagine how her face was while saying those words.

Tuesday, March 31

one missed call

smlm sy kol eva byk kali pki tepon umah dia xpe.mungkin dia bz.lalu sy pn duduk la kjap nk tgk tv.tbe2 ad org kol umah sy tp dua kali jeh tepon tu pn kol la eva blk kn.

wana : eva,ko miskol umah ak ke td?
eva : hahaha.aah.

sy kagum dgn eva.xtau plak kite blh miskol tepon umah ek kwn2.rumet sape nh?

Thursday, March 26

smpi hati eva...

i texted eva someday ago(can't remember)

"eva.sikat rmbut ak ad kt blk ko x?"

no reply from her

the next day,i texted her again

" x sikat ak kt blk ko?"

and still,no reply

last nite(25 mac 09 at 8.15pm), i msg her again

"eva!tlg jwb soklan ak nh!da 2x ak tnye nh.haish boca iki.adakah sikat ku d blk anda?"

finally!she replied,

"eh sory lupa rep.haha.xdela kat blk aku."

"-_-"huu.bob ak da flat da xgne sikat 2.haha.xpe2.kang ak slongkar,tp ak rs ak ad sikat tme kt hall ko kot.cb ko tgk2kn ek.hee"

"owhhh sikat bulat putih ke??haha ada2.aku ingt sikat kucing.hahahaha"

"hahahahha.babik!hahahah.ko da ckat miki ke?haha.bunguk!"

"hahaha.xde blum lg.nsb baik!stil ada kat dpn cermin.haha"

ak da xtau nk ckp ape da ngan eva..rmbut ku same dgn bulu miki?tidak!!!npe la biawak tu xmkn miki rtu!!!hahaha

Wednesday, March 25

my tot bout you

my darlings.since we have known like 3 years now and as a scrupulous observant,here are what i thought about you be fair,each will have 2 pros and 2 cons(btolke penggunaan ayat ini?).don't hate me if im wrong,love me more if im right.haha

mood swinger
good listener
sgtlah tidak berkira
reserved(kept her prob to herself)
sgt mls bgn dr katel
wanna all the details(kdg2 bgs,kdg2 not so bgs)
high pitch voice
jnis xksah
sgtlah creative
mood swinger gak mcm ati
kdg2 mls nk lyn org(ke ak jeh?)
sgt rajin wt esemen
up for anything
sgt mls kmas blk
agak kurg spend tme dgn kmi
we are such a colourful clan!haha

ak pn nk jgak!

hahaha.memandangkan effa da wt puisi tok umet dia,ak pn xnk lah ketinggalan kn~haha.
this is for my dear umet..
tall and slim,that's how to recognize her
she's smart and thorough,sometimes a blurr
keep checking her list is what she does
and hell she walks so damn fast

she's a fragile,my flimsy baby
I'm not whole when she's not with me
we always fight and then we cry
we talk with hearts and tell no lie

she can't cook,neither she can sing
but she's really good in listening
she's always there when I'm whining
oh gosh,she's such a darling

p/s: this poem is brought to you,straight from my pure(ak suci murni) heart and love for you.haha

ye ak tau,ak sgtlah mengalahkn org yg kapel.haha

Tuesday, March 24

happy birthday woomate~

we've being roomate for about 3 years now..
all of yours seems like familiar as all of mine..
no more wondering what's behind those closet of yours...(sebab ktrg slalu curi tgk dalam tuh! hak3!)
switching bed from time to time..
argue for the bed behind the door..(aku plak nak katil blakang pintu next sem! :P)
watching you grew..
from an ordinary girl to the 'wow!' type girl..
envying you loosing kilos as im taking yours.. (cisnan eve..patut aku tak kurus2!)
sort of proud of you as my roomate...
not just because you got brain , you dont brag about it...
also,you got assets that wana cried,longing for..
and today, no wish for you through sms nor calls..
hoping you'll find this post soon enough before this day ends..
coz im wishing you a ..


-hope you'll find your true meaning of love and someone who holds that love you always wanted and brings you happiness~
-looking forward to see your smile more than you tears..
-ko nak ape tok besday ko?~ claim next sem pasal aku takde duit intern kat sni..huk2...

Monday, March 16

to whom it may concern

once a sweet,now a total screw
we loved you until we all knew
what with the sudden change,may we ask you?
now we are not sure if can start it all anew

you hurt one of us,that was a mistake
and startlingly,that wasn't your first
you might think it was nothing
think again dear,it had changed us

doesn't it occur to you why things happened?
and do you know why it's a big issue?
listen,hear and keep your eyes open
since you never saw what is wrong with you

we are sorry,we trully are
we can't shun, we can't eschew
still a friend but not a pack
again we are sorry,we really do

Wednesday, March 11

Kehadapan Lady-buggy sekalian

Have you ever cried for someone else? A friend, specifically. Just cause you feel like nothing that you can’t do to help them, to ease their burden. This weird funny feeling is totally normal right? Cause I might felt it today (hesitate….. -_-“). This shows that you’re not lack of empathy kan? Or am I just a whip who cry over nothing like it’s everything!!!!! Human is so confusing. I can’t even figure myself out.
See I cry if you hurt I'd give you my last shirt Because I love you so
Unless the shirt is extremely fabulous~ mesti la aku tamau bagi korang kn??? Who would anyway? So semperna penubuhan Ladybug ® ini would strengthen our friendship…..

p/s: im not so tough as most people aspect me to be~

Saturday, March 7

gadis2 ini

from left is wana..eva..ati..toy..and OH!effa wasnt in the pic since she's the one who took was in the diff class i guess.

this is effa!

this is JO

NAH!now u noe the names AND the faces. haha.these pics are kinda the old version. some of us have changed since that time,i mean,the appearances.lalalala~

the importance of.. tissue?

3.25pm, PalmSquare CentrePoint KotaKinabalu Sabah, 07 March 2008.

i'm sitting at the bench here, waiting for my sister to finish her 'appointment'. i'm with my younger sister. We were so damn tired and thirsty after 3 hours karoke. oh, thats another story. Before we got here, we were karoke-ing at KKBOX.nice, i'll post the photo later (since i dont know how to use this blog,i'll ask wana la later,k). so, at that time, i was karoke-ing alone, quite cheap, rm10 for 3 hours, since my younger sister refused to sing with me (of course my vocal is unbeatable,thats the fact heheheh).but then, she grew totally tired waiting for my sister's un-finished business since yesterday.then she went karoke-ing with me.that was the 1st time we karoke together from 11-2pm. then, my sister called at 1pm, she wanted to go to Centrepoint,so ask both of us to leave KKBOX immediately. my younger sister didnt want to leave the room, so me. so i said, u go first. we'll arrive later (without thinking too much). Then....... after screaming, dancing, singing for 3 hours,we were like..'eh, how do we get to Centrepoint?she went with the car.and she already warned us to NOT TO CALL HER FOR A RIDE. uh scary mary mary.. we did a little justification to stay at the KKBOX or centrepoint. after thinking for about 3 minutes, we decided to go to centrepoint...with BUS.
so, after arrived here, we went to PalmSquare, and sat here, waiting for her. i was so bloody thirsty, i asked her to buy ice-cream from mcD.i wanted mc-Flurry, but she gave me the cone one. fine la.. since she belanja me. so, i hold the ice cream in one hand, and surfing internet with another 5 fingers. that was the moment when the ice cream kiss my tudung, and jump to my shirt. i was like...

jojo: tissue tissue tissue...quick
my younger sister : jap jap jap.. (krok krok krok, diggin to my bag)
jojo : cepat2!!! meresap!
my younger sister : tiada!!!!!!
jojo : oh dem.. amik la kertas or apa2 ja dlm beg..
my younger sister : nah.... resit KKBOX.

and i wipe the stains.......but, it was too late.. i have a drop as big as 50cent coins, chocolate color on my shirt, and another stainssssss on my tudung. comot sungguh. then, i ORDERED my younger sister to get the tissue from the toilet.

moral of the story: saya akan beli tisu selepas ini.
hikmah: ada sebab untuk beli baju baru

Wednesday, March 4


Why ladybug? First,bcoz we are all ladies. secondly, ladybug is one of the most cutest prettiest bug in the world! dont u guys were like "AAAa" and "OwWHH when u bumped into it? its striking and contra colour is definitely an eye-catcher! and yes, it is a harmless little creature. it can bite but the bite wont hurt. BUT remember, it can leave a horrible stinking terrible nose wrinkling smell that will haunt you. so, beware! ahaks.

this message is brought to u by LadyBug

who are we?

Some may say that number 6 is a bad number.
Does 666 rings a bell? well, that's what people say(most of them).
We don't care, we don't mind. whats the most important thing is, without this 6 figures in the set, life is not as blossom as we had wish for.
We come from different family background, across the country(which means,KL-sabah-sarawak), grew up in different cultures and environment, BUT still, we can't be torn apart.
These varieties and divergences are the things that keep us stronger and bonded.
Yeah, there are arguments(of course,duh~) throughout the journey and yet, we still are together!
There is no point in relationship without bumps aite?
Add some colours to the world heh.haha.