Friday, April 24

Cookies oh cookies

A conversation between two people (lebih kurang la mcm d bawah ni…)

Latipah : wei maimunah, (bukan nama sebenar).. aku nak post something kat blog ni. Ko tolong. Kang aku emel
Munah : haa..bole2..send je la...

(beberapa minit kendian)

Latipah : dah..g post ek. Nak miting dlu.
Munah : okeh2.. aku nak g b**** dlu.

Latipah : dah ke?
Munah : dah2..g la cek..
Latipah : eh, pehal x abis…. ?
Munah : oh, ko send 2 pages ke ? aku ingt satu je.. hahaha
Latipah : (tahan2..) ish ngko ni.. aku edit sat..haish.. pehal pulak cookie2 ni?

Munah : kuih ape?

(tanpa menyedari soalan munah, Latipah meneruskan bebelannya)

Latipah : eh aku xleh login.invitation blog x valid da. Invite aku balik..
Munah : tanak...
Latipah : ishh.. aku ngah semangat membara nak ngepost ni.. cepat2~
Munah : ha.. dah2..accept cepat.
Latipah : HAHAHAHAHAHA (tetibe gelak sbb baru baca pasal kuih2 tu) ko seyes ke tny pasal cookie, ke men2 je ?
Munah : hahahahha..cookie tu ape ? aku ingt kueh cam gambar gtalk aku nih..
Latipah : hahahahaha

Oleh itu, mari kenali, siapa itu cookies:

Normal cookies are used to remember the user who is visiting the website in order to show the appropriate content. Without them, some websites would cease to function. Cookies are also used to remember the passwords and "signed on" status of users.

Since their introduction on the Internet, misconceptions about cookies have circulated on the Internet and in the media. In 1998, CIAC, a computer incident response team of the United States Department of Energy, found the security vulnerability "essentially nonexistent" and explained that "information about where you come from and what web pages you visit already exists in a web server's log files"In 2005, Jupiter Research published the results of a survey, according to which a consistent percentage of respondents believed some of the following false claims:

Cookies are like
worms and viruses in that they can erase data from the user's hard disks
Cookies generate
Cookies are used for
Cookies are only used for

Cookies are in fact only data, not program code: they cannot erase or read information from the user's computer. However, cookies allow for detecting the Web pages viewed by a user on a given site or set of sites. This information can be collected in a profile of the user. Such profiles are sometimes anonymous, that is, they sometimes do not contain personal information of the user (name, address, etc.). More precisely, they should not contain personal information unless the user has made it available to some sites. Even if anonymous, these profiles have been the subject of some privacy concerns.

According to the same survey, a large percentage of Internet users do not know how to delete cookies. One reason people do not trust the concept of cookies is because some sites have abused the personal identification aspect of cookies and have shared them. A large percentage of targeted advertising comes from information gleaned from tracking cookies.


  1. wooiiii.byk wrong info dlm post ko nh!ak xckp kuih,ak ckp biskut!hahaha.bongok nye t-rex!!hahaha

  2. oit,npe ko post pki nme privacy ak dviolated oleh ko!hahaha.tuan2, nh jo nye post ek.bkn one_na yg cumil tuh

  3. apekah name same
    aku cm kenal je watak yg berkenaan~ lebih dari mengenali kookies internet

  4. hahaha.. dah aku gtau conversation tu lbh kurang camtu... aku x save ape ko ckp tadi.. kalo aku copy paste je, terdedah lah rahsia ko. huahuahua~~~


dey,apa mk komen2 tok?